Extraordinary Strides

Candy Apple Bliss with a Wicked Twist Fun Run

August 01, 2024 Christine Hetzel Season 3 Episode 10

Join Coach Christine, your fairy run mother, along with Mod Squad members Sally and Lynn, as we take you on a magical journey through the world of candy and caramel apples. We promise you'll walk away with more than just a sweet tooth. Listen in for tasty trivia, sweet conversation, and apple-solutely delicious fun! 

We sprinkle a touch of Disney magic into our apple-filled episode. Lynn, our Disney expert, reveals the best spots to find caramel and candy apples at Disney World, from Main Street Confectionery to Goofy's Candy Shop. 

Check out your newsletter to get in on the fun games, recipes, and accompanying blissfully wicked playlist. 

Join us for an episode brimming with fun, laughter, and the sweet taste of autumn!

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Speaker 1:

Hey friend, welcome to another deliciously delightful episode of Extraordinary Strides. Hello, I'm Coach Christine. Today I am going to be your fairy run mother here to add a little sprinkle of magic to your run walk or your stroll, because we're serving up an extra sweet treat with our candy apple bliss. But there's going to be a tinkly little bit of a wicked twist episode. Whether you're tackling the run Disney final Virtual 5K for the Candy Apple Medal or you're just out for that stroll, this episode is for everyone, run Disney fans or not, get ready for some juicy apple chatter that'll keep you entertained and energized. Today, joining me, I'm going to have two of our fabulous members of our mod squad. We're going to have Sally, who's going to bring that core knowledge of caramel apples oh goodness, the puns are just going to come on in. She's going to share some tasty trivia and fun facts that are sure to be the apple of your eye for this season. And then Lynn will be here to talk all things candy and caramel apples, with a few wickedly delightful treats that you can find at Disney. It's a bushel of fun that you won't want to miss. So I'm going to ask you to grab your favorite running shoes or maybe a caramel apple. And let's get started, because before we dive into our conversations, I want to remind you that we have a lot of fun that we're playing along with. In your newsletter, you should have found an incredible recipe from Sally, along with a little play along this or that for you to create your own favorite caramel or candy apple. I can't wait for you guys to share, and we're going to ask you to share all of those incredible selfies throughout this weekend, because there's going to be prizes popping on in into the Extraordinary Stride Collective podcast Facebook group. Okay, officially, before we bring Sally in, she's going to bring that knowledge and give us the lowdown on caramels, but I'm going to give us a little bit of a history and trivia with candy apples.

Speaker 1:

So, friends, right out of the gate, I want to share with you that the candy apple was invented totally by mistake. Yes, you heard that correctly, because William W Kolb, a candy maker from Newark, new Jersey, in 1908, was experimenting with red cinnamon candy for the season, and he dipped apples into this candy mixture and displayed them in his shop window. The bright red apples caught the attention of passerbyers and they quickly became incredibly popular. I can't wait to hear from you guys If you like candy apples more than caramel or caramel versus candy. You're going to hear the Mod Squad weigh in here as well, but we have some of our own thoughts. But I'm curious if you guys love candy apples, definitely want you to be loud and proud inside of the Facebook group and let us know. So.

Speaker 1:

The candy's apple popularity surged throughout the early 20th century, particularly during Halloween and autumn festivals. Their association with fall festivities made them a staple treat at fairs and carnivals, and you guys are going to hear in just a little bit. There's a lot of carryover between our favorite candy apples and caramel apples as well. But, sally, again, I don't want to spoil any of Sally's research because we know that she is so appealing. Okay, that one wasn't the best pun, let me try another one. Let me try another one. How about that?

Speaker 1:

There is a core belief that apple puns make me smile. I don't know. What do you guys think? I probably could do better. I know that's pretty cheesy. Okay, let me get back to the history of our candy apples.

Speaker 1:

So there are global variations. In the UK and Australia, candy apples are known as toffee apples and are typically associated with Guy Fawkes night and Halloween and friends. That's going to send me down another spiral, because I don't think that we traditionally celebrate Guy Fawkes day or Guy Fawkes holidays here in the States. So again, if you do, I want to hear more about it. But in China, a similar treat is called Tanghulu and it uses hawthorns instead of apples coated in a hard sugar syrup. I know that when I was in Japan for the Tokyo Marathon, I feel like there was a candy coating over all of the delicious fruits, specifically strawberries. So again, there are variations and cultures who maybe don't have apples as the apple of their eye. Stick with me. I know, I know it's super silly, but don't let this conversation come to an end just yet. You don't have to get your apples boiled over at this point. Okay, I promise no more puns.

Speaker 1:

Let's get more into modern adaptations. So, as you're going to hear later on with my squad member, lynn, there are quite a few gourmet candy apple varieties and we're seeing them quite a bit. So modern variations include apples dipped in chocolate and caramel. They're covered with a variety of toppings like nuts, sprinkles, candies and, of course, my favorite edible glitter. And then, of course, my favorite edible glitter, and then, of course, there's even some health alternatives where some folks are making the candy coating out of like agave or honey syrups, or I've seen a lot of really beautiful recipes where the apples are sliced and there's just like a drizzle of the candy on top. But again, so much fun to kind of play with these and I would love for you guys to share if you tackle Sally's s'more recipe apple from the newsletter because it does look absolutely scrumptious or apple-solutely scrumptious. Well and again, there are quite a few locations, even here in North America, that maybe associate more of the celebrating with caramel and candy apples. They're not that big down here in the Sunshine State, but it still doesn't make it any less something that I enjoy and look forward to.

Speaker 1:

Now a little trivia is the largest candy apple was created by Bobbing for Apples in Columbia, missouri, in 2017. It weighed 62 pounds. It was made of using one gigantic apple and a really, really large quantity of sugar syrup. I want to see a photo of that. All right, my friends, we've learned quite a bit about candy apples, but let's be honest, this kind of run, a candy apple bliss, would not be complete without some caramel apples. So joining me is Sally, hello, sally, hello.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody, I'm so excited to talk about this.

Speaker 1:

I am so too. So this is my favorite treat of all Come fall time, and I know that we're starting to see fall decor and fall Halloween type of themed stuff a little bit earlier, but even though we're still in the middle of summer, but come around September, when they hit, caramel apples hit the store. This is like my go-to, like I love them so much so I can't wait to learn more about them. But you live in apple country.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I do so. Actually there are some apples out now. They're like the early apples and I believe they're more for like the baking or for like put them out for the deer or stuff like that. So they're not like the best apples. You kind of get them more in like August to September. October is like the best apples and you tend to get them more in like august to september. October is like the bright season, so and they last forever.

Speaker 1:

When do you smell apple blossoms? When do they start to kind of be um?

Speaker 2:

well, I I don't really tend, I guess I'm so used to it. I don't tend to smell the apple blossoms like, even though like there's literally an apple orchard, like mild, down the road from my house. I don't tend to, I think I'm just so used to it. But I always can tell because about, I want to say about June or not even June, april they'll start to get, ship honeybees up from Florida or wherever and release them into the orchards to kind of get that pollination, to start the pollination going, so cool.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I love like learning about the whole pollination aspect. And so I have to ask you, because you've got quite a variety of apples to choose from, do you have some favorites? I'm going to say some because I can't imagine you only have one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I like, like. My favorite is the Snow White apples. I also like there's, I like the Macatosh, I like Gala. I really I like. I'll just say this I like the more sweeter apples than the tart. So I should say that, Okay, there's so many varieties of it Like, but I tend to go to the sweet apples more than the tart apples.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. I will tell you so folks may not know this a little bit about me is that I did marketing. I, when I worked for a marketing agency, I had a lot of different clients. One of my clients was in organics produce company and she had a shipment of pink pearls and when I was working in her office and surrounded by pink pearls, it was intoxicating. The smell was delicious and the best way that I can describe pink pearls is that they are a very small batch, a very small like a unique heirloom type produce, and they're like a sweet tart. They're like nature's little sweet tart. So for me it's that's my, my, one of my favorite candies. I like a little bit of sweetness, a little bit of tartness. So I love them. But tell me about Snow White, because I'm thinking, is it a very white flesh? I don't think we get them down here, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, it's like, or it might be called, snow Snap. I can't remember if Snow White or Snow Snap, but it's very, it's more tender apple, so you don't have like the harsh roughness of biting into it as like macatosh or the red delicious. So it's very juicy, very tender to bite into. So that's why I like like just to kind of bite into it, so it's delicious. And if you put like a little caramel on it or maybe like if you want a little bit more sweetness, you can get like um, I'll do like marsh, drizzle marshmallow, like melt marshmallows down, draws it a lot and add some chocolate chips on top makes it a little bit good. I do that as apple slices, but not a whole apple okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm asking everybody because of the game of the week is for people to kind of customize, share with us in the group what their customized perfect apple would be. Are you going with? What are you having as your base apple, for your, for your confection?

Speaker 2:

I'll probably go with pink lady.

Speaker 1:

OK, so you're starting with pink lady. I'm going to. I feel like I want to take notes because I feel everybody's answers are going to be so different. So you're starting with a pink lady. What are you using as your coating?

Speaker 2:

Are you using a candy, a chocolate, a caramel? I probably go with chocolate. I I do like candy apples. I feel like it's too hard, it's like buying into like a jolly rancher. I just don't like. I don't like. I'm not a big fan of jolly ranchers. I will admit to it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'll take the chocolate so are you doing a white chocolate or traditional milk or chocolate? No, you're dark Okay. So just okay, got it. So we're going with a pink lady, a milk chocolate. I'm finding this very interesting. What are we putting as toppings? Are we leaving it at that, or are you doing some toppings here?

Speaker 2:

I feel like I just want to leave it at that.

Speaker 1:

You are, you're a purist, you're like it's perfect. Why would you mess with it? I'm surprised because I figured you were going to talk about like marshmallows and sprinkles or maybe some nuts.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well it would probably depend on my mood. Like I would say most days, I would probably just leave it as it is no-transcript.

Speaker 1:

healthy into it with the apple, yeah I feel like it's totally a healthy treat. Okay, so tell me, since, again, you know way more about apples than we ever could down here in florida, give me some of the lowdown about caramel apples and how they came to be. How did my favorite treat come to be so?

Speaker 2:

I believe I've read that it was invented in the like 1950s, maybe sometime in there, by dan walker. He was a sales representative for craft foods and he was what from my friend. He found like the excess amount of halloween candies and the caramel. So he's trying to figure out how to melt them down and like what can we do to get rid of them? So he found that he melted them down and the um and the combination between dipping them into the apples and it became like a, a popular sales item. Oh okay, so it was just kind of like one of those things of like we need to get, get rid of all this. What can we do to get rid of the excess product?

Speaker 1:

Let's just see if we can make a lot of our recipes are that way. It's like you kind of get to the end of the week and you've got a little bit of this from like Tuesday's meal or a little bit of that from Friday's meal and you're like, what am I going to do? I'm just going to hodgepodge, figure it out, podge, figure it out. It sounds like that's exactly what he did. He's like man, we've got gallons of this caramel treats. Let's figure out what to do with them. I'm curious as to why he chose apples to dip into it, but I'm assuming that maybe it was because it is that time of year after Halloween, you guys still have a lot of apple varietals, fall harvest. It probably was easier to access. Super cool, so do you?

Speaker 2:

he takes it then to the headquarters at Kraft, and that was kind of okay and then like it came at like, so it came popular that with the Halloween candy he started printing the recipe on the back of it so to kind of promote the sales of that Halloween candy in the fall. It's just so people can do it yourself at home instead of paying like I know how disney's at disney world, like for a candy apple probably costs 50 bucks or whatever.

Speaker 1:

so if you can do it cheaper at home, I can see why yeah, I don't think they're quite 50, but they really probably will be before before the end of this decade, I'm sure, um, we were talking, or I've talked before with folks, that I don't particularly get the caramel apples as often at Disney or the candy apples at all, because they're just too big. So it's actually at that point. It's like so many layers of the caramel. I find that the ones that are more homemade are usually much more like up to what I prefer for my little treats. So do you guys have them at stores and fall festivals up in your side of the world, or are most people making them at home? Okay?

Speaker 2:

um, yes, because we have a fall foliage that we have the first two weekends in october. It's very it's in our, my hometown. It is super popular. There is like two, like 200 000 people come to this event every year so they have like a big area place that will build a style. Candy apples came up, candy and caramel apples at that facility and then they have one down the road that they do homemade apple cider, like they're pressing the apple cider right there as they and people wait an hour to two hours for the apple cider fresh apple cider.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I've never had fresh apple cider, so again I feel like I need to make my way that side of the world in a fall, because I feel very sheltered. I would love to see this and smell this, and it kind of almost feels like I grew up watching Gilmore Girls, and that whole fall harvest vibe feels so much more on par for your region than it does my region, where here it's just like slightly less sweltering hot. So have you gotten? Do you get into gourmet caramel apples or like some of the ones that are super fancy, or do you? It feels like you play a little bit with them, but you're much more of a traditionalist.

Speaker 2:

I'm much more of a traditionalist. I'm much more of a traditionalist. It's just too much for me. My preference I usually try to just do it at home because I'm like I'll have extra apples. They're kind of starting to look like they might be going bad in the next few days, so I'll just like all right, what do I have at home? I'm just going to create whatever I can to get rid of these apples.

Speaker 1:

so because I think the waistband is so delicious. Tell me more. What do you usually make? Treats, or do you make other things?

Speaker 2:

I usually do treats. I'll either do like that, like this is off topic I'll either do apples with peanut butter it depends on what I have, what apple it is and then or I'll do. I'll do either do like with the apple slicer, or I'll slice it like thin slices and I'll either drizzle like marshmallow marshmallow like with fall I always associate s'mores with it, so I'll drizzle like caramel with marshmallows and chocolate chips on it, or I might just do regular caramel there.

Speaker 1:

I melt it out.

Speaker 2:

I'll dip the apple into it and then I might do like a little bit of M&Ms on it or something like that. Whatever I have in the house.

Speaker 1:

Sully, I feel like you get really, really fancy with it. For the record, you're saying, oh, traditionalist, I just have like a little bit, but you just gave us like five different types of varieties of treats that you could make with it, or really fun, delicious kind of things do you also? Do you get into like apple butter or apple? I mean, what do you? Or do you kind of just have the apple as a, as a sliced?

Speaker 2:

I just have it sliced. Now I do not make apple butter or anything like that. I'll tend to buy the apple butter at the apple orchard store. Like then I'll just do it like that and I'll usually have that with like toast or something like that, so I like I do love apple butter. I prefer that over regular butter.

Speaker 1:

I do too. I really I do. I think it's delicious. So maybe I shouldn't be living in Florida. Maybe I need to go make my way there just for fall, though, because you already know I'm not going to be able to hang out with you guys during winter.

Speaker 2:

You can stay from September to the first week of November, and then you can go back down to Florida.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that actually sounds like the perfect way for me to be able to handle it and be able to experience some of these. So do you have like a tradition of going apple picking or any of those traditional, like fall harvest type activities?

Speaker 2:

Well, I use. What we usually do is they don't have actually at our some of our local ones apple picking. They actually have pick the apples yourself or pick the apples themselves and you can just purchase it by the bushel or the pack or whatever you prefer. There are ones that are a little bit that you can travel to. That's a little bit further away from my house where you can go and pick your apples. But what we tend to do is we'll actually there's pumpkin patches we'll go to and we'll pick out pumpkins that we get the girls can pick, and then we'll carve them and then we'll buy some special apples from that place to kind of promote their business where they're at okay, you just said a couple of phrases that are not familiar to me quite as much down here in Florida.

Speaker 1:

So a peck and a bushel, what is the difference?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let me like. The bushels are bigger than the pecks, so I will, I'm trying to. I should know these because my kids are in school and they're at their grades where they have to know the bushel and the peck.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, I don't think they taught us this in school. I, down here in Florida, I always mention I'm a product for a public education system.

Speaker 2:

I believe. Well, this is before Google. I'm looking it up. I believe a bushel is eight, four or five quarts. Let me look, and a peck is like two quarts. I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

Holy smokes. Okay, so can your family consume a bushel? It feels like a bushel. It feels like a bushels like for a village.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I can't, we will eat them we, my kids love.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I'll buy them now, though we refrigerate them. I know people like the. There is controversy about refrigerating um apples and not we do, because I spoke to them the apple place and they store their apples until february. They're selling apples at their apple stores until february. Okay, um, so you can store them. You have to have them at certain degrees. It has to be like above 40 degrees, like 40 to 50, so you can store them in the fridge and they'll last for three weeks in the refrigerator three or four weeks.

Speaker 2:

If you set them out on the counter, they won't last as long, and that's when we have to. I probably would buy the smaller packages if I would store them.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that makes sense, so do you make your own apple butter.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't. I wish I should, but it's just too much work. I'm already done with cause. I can my own tomatoes, I'll do my own spaghetti sauce.

Speaker 1:

That's a lot of work.

Speaker 2:

I can green beans, I'll cram spaghetti and I'll do my own pizza sauce and salsa. So by the time it's apple season, I'm pretty much done with cooking.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that is completely fair. Completely fair. And in the midst midst of this, you're also training for a marathon. You're like girl.

Speaker 1:

I am not gonna make my own apple butter in the middle of marathon training plus, I'm making my own bread, so it's like something's gotta give so, yeah, definitely, goodness gracious, like I feel like you're like no, I'm not making apple butter, but you just talked about every other thing that potentially people would ever have for food. I can't believe that you're doing that much in the middle of also like balancing all your different things, all your responsibilities and marathon training. That's incredible. I'm happy if I can just slice my apples. Usually I just chomp on them and get them eaten there. So caramel apples are definitely quite popular for fall and of course, we're celebrating candy and caramel apples right here. And I'm curious as to what are you most looking forward to doing once the temperatures start to kind of cool down and you're able to get a little bit of?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I just enjoy being outside. So it's like either running, walking, enjoying the trails, biking or anything, because once it is for us, it's a little bit seasonal, warm for us right now, but in the fall it's just so much better and it makes the runs when you're like training over the summer, and once you hit the falls, you're like, oh, why was I complaining about running, this is so much better. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Oh, go ahead so.

Speaker 2:

I quickly looked it up so I found the ratio for pecs and bushels. So eight quarts make up one pec. So think of eight quarts make up one pec. All right, Four pecs make up a bushel. So you're looking at eight.

Speaker 1:

16, 24, 32 quarts would equal a bushel so you're looking at 8, 16, 24, 32 quarts would.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh, that's a lot seriously I usually get the packs, I would, if the only time I will get a bushel is because it's like a large bag, you're if I. I would say it's like looking at a 50 pound bag of or of potatoes, like I would probably only purchase that if I knew they're probably good closer and I would put just the big bag.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, that's wild Again. We don't. It's not something that down here in Florida that we would have access to in that variety. We're basically lucky if we can find it at our local grocery store and you're just getting a few, but that sounds incredible. I am curious. I know that you are definitely marathon training and you are looking forward to fall, but you're also one of my fellow Hello Queens where you love yourself some Halloween and some of those twisty, scary trails. So do you have a favorite little wicked twist in terms of your kind of favorite villainous story? It doesn't even have to be Disney, but do you have a favorite like Hansel and Gretel, or did you grow up loving any specific of, like the Brothers Grimm kind of little wicked twist.

Speaker 2:

Well, I would have to say the Snow or Magnificent is my favorite Disney one and I kind of do not have a favorite look of like the brothers grim, because all those stories are kind of twisted and wicked anyway. So it's like it's a toss-up of what story could I look up and I love how, yeah, disney is like oh yes, this is inspired, but brothers can't remember but it's's not it's nowhere near as creepy, or scary yes that's true that's true?

Speaker 1:

um, it is, and I think that's why we've all fallen in love with a lot of the disney villains, because they are a bit, uh, not quite so scary, even poor, maleficent. She was just misunderstood, as you know. Her dark fairiness, poor thing, but anyway okay. So, with that said, what would you advise for folks to try out, for maybe a little bit of their caramel treat? What's a recipe you would leave folks with? Is it your s'more candy apple?

Speaker 2:

I would take my s'more candy apple would be my go-to and I would like. I want to say like you can almost use, like dipping it in chocolate, melting like the marshmallow, or drizz on it and then crushing up the graham crackers on it. Or even if you don't want to do that, you can almost do the caramel, dip it in that, put a little bit of M&Ms on it and then like a little bit of graham crackers, if you don't want to do the chocolate routes.

Speaker 1:

We're going to your house for this. I feel like you should have a candy apple or caramel apple bar set up that we can kind of all customize or delicious treats and you could just steward us that way. But if you don't terribly mind, I'm going to love to ask and get that recipe for you from you so we can share it with the crowd in the newsletter, because that sounds delicious.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I will send that to you later today.

Speaker 1:

All right, my friends. Well, with that said, thank you for sharing all of your apple goodness and we can't wait to hear from you all that are rocking and rolling through this conversation as to maybe some of your favorite ways of customizing your caramel and candy apples. Thank you so much, Sally.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me today.

Speaker 1:

I always love Sally popping on in and giving us all of that wisdom and trivia knowledge. Again, she's always rocking our movie trivia nights for the Extraordinary League, our training group, which is always so much fun. But before I officially turn this over to Lynn, who gives us some of that more Disney treats and those little wicked, delightful treats knowledge I want to impart some apple jokes with you. I know you've been waiting for this all day long. All right, my friends, why did the apple stop in the middle of the road? You know this right, it's because they ran out of juice. So if you're running out of juice, this is a really good reminder that you should be fueling on your runs, my friends. So definitely, if it's been some time since you've been out, I want you to go ahead and maybe check in with your nutrition and your hydration, since it is so hot, because you need that extra hydration, that extra juice, to keep you going. Okay, how about? What do you get if you cross an apple with a shellfish? A crab apple, of course, oh, my word. Okay, one, okay, one more, one more. What's an apple's favorite song? Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur, applebottom Jeans, boots with the Fur. And again. If you got the newsletter, we have that song specifically on our Spotify playlist dedicated to this fun candy apple bliss with a wicked twist, so you're going to have some really fun wicked songs in there as well.

Speaker 1:

This is so hard because I promised no more really bad puns at least not for now or Apple jokes, but this wouldn't really be a great virtual run Disney summer run companion without bringing in our resident Disney expert. So hello Lynn, welcome on in. Hello Lynn is here to give us the lowdown on where we can find some of these really incredible treats at Disney and at Walt Disney World, and she's going to give us a little bit of knowledge and a little bit of her little secret tips as to where to find them. She's already been spending some time schooling me before we officially started this, so I can't wait to get into it. So, lynn, I mean again, I feel like you are like. Disney brings you a lot of joy, but you also love the treats, don't you?

Speaker 3:

Yes, and like we've talked about before, I yeah. The last time I had a whole Disney apple. It did not do so well with my tummy because it is a lot of sugar.

Speaker 1:

It's huge. They are ginormous yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So while I love to look at them and I love to have a bite or two, it's like one of those things you know, unless you're there with a friend to share the share the love, I usually actually go for a different when I'm at the sweet shops. When we get sucked into the sweet shop funness, we usually get something a little smaller than the apple.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to venture to say that it that these caramel and candy apples at Disney are very much like your miles whenever you're out for a run. They're better shared with friends. So that's what we're doing today we're going to share some of these apple goodnesses with you guys as you guys are tackling these miles. But tell me a little bit more of maybe. Where do we find some of these delicious treats?

Speaker 3:

Well, it's, that's always kind of a moving sort of situation. You used to be able to find them in all of the parks but very sadly I don't remember it was before COVID, the sweet shop in Hollywood Studios, had closed and made many people sad. But not to worry, there are plenty of places around that you can. There are two locations at Disney Springs. There's the Candy Cauldron over kind of in the theater district, where you know, with Splitsville and the theaters and whatnot, and then over by the marketplace on the clear other end of Disney Springs, there is Goofy's Candy Shop or Candy Company. So each one has different specialties and which are pretty cool. And, as always in Magic Kingdom, there is the Main Street Confectionary. That's, that's a very, that's the biggest one. And then also in the back of the park, the Big top souvenirs. They have a few treats as well. So those are the primary places to get the actual apples. Now, obviously, there are other sweets at other locations, but those are the primary ones.

Speaker 1:

So when you walk into Magic Kingdom and Main Street, confectionery is if you're facing Cinderella's Castles on the right hand side, I know there's also an opportunity to customize your popcorn mix there as well, which I recently learned, which I think is a lot of fun, which is to the right of the usual. The case that you would see the canteen caramel apples, but you can smell the deliciousness of the sugar like beckoning you in. Do you generally visit that area when you first go in or do you leave that as more for on your way out?

Speaker 3:

I mean, I would say that's not a being that I've been more mindful about what I'm eating.

Speaker 3:

I actually do try to avoid it because once I'm in there I'm going to buy something, because they are very good at the smells, the marketing, all of the things. So if I go into the store I will be leaving with an item. So if that is something on my agenda, which you know frequently as somebody who goes to Disney, I don't have to eat a meal there. So if I'm just having a snack, we may stop by and that may be our snack. If I'm craving a sweet, if I haven't had the Mickey pretzel earlier which this isn't the pretzel episode so we'll move on from that.

Speaker 1:

But still, what I do love is that now there's so many wonderful vendors that are starting to make some of these type of confectionaries into like household items, like I've seen candles that are maybe waffle themed or candy apple themed, so you can bring a little bit of that Disney magic without necessarily having to consume the treats. But as we are rocking and rolling, what are your favorite treats outside of candy apples? I know you mentioned they are huge. What, what do you generally go for at that confectionary when you do well at the you know they have fudge and that wasn't on your but they.

Speaker 3:

I am a fan of the fudge, so fudge is good. Um, but they. I. A lot of times we'll get, um, we'll like, share a cookie the cookies are a little easier to share or the? Um, the cupcakes which, um, they also, and I love all of the treats, that, how they're all designed like Mickey and Minnie. So whether it's the cupcake or the apple or the cake pop, cake pops are nice because it's a very small portion. So if I just want a little bite, they have, you know, rice or cereal treats. I guess we're not allowed to call them rice krispie treats anymore.

Speaker 3:

Everything is shaped like Mickey or Minnie or, but so those are fun I so I typically will go for like a cookie or a cake pop or one of the cereal treats.

Speaker 1:

Um, I love going to the big top area, so I usually skip main street confectionery. I love the big top because there's character stops there and you can meet the characters and get your photos taken with them, which, um, as a full on Disney adult, I cannot resist character stops there and you can meet the characters and get your photos taken with them, which, um, as a full-on disney adult, I I cannot resist character stops. That's the best part. I feel like it's just magical. So I love being able to stop in and look at the treats there on the way to meet daisy who's madame fortuna there a little bit of that wicked twist, um. So there's a lot of fun there as well, in the big top circuscus. But let's talk a little bit about, as you mentioned, there's characters inspired apples and treats. Are there others besides Mickey and Minnie?

Speaker 3:

Oh, absolutely Currently on the menu at the Candy Cauldron there's also a Donald Duck.

Speaker 1:

Oh, donald's getting some love.

Speaker 3:

Yep, so there's a Donald themed and that's frequent. Obviously, mickey and Minnie are the primary two, and then Olaf. Typically, you know, for Frozen fans they have Olaf and his little marshmallow has the carrot nose and all of that fun stuff. So there are quite a few, and then the other ones are themed by the season. So if it's you, you know, they may have different colors and flavors of different seasons there's not a candy shop at Epcot, is there?

Speaker 1:

I feel like there's lots of little treats in all the different pavilions. There's a lot of treats there.

Speaker 3:

The closest to a candy shop I mean there is technically there's the Werther's in the Canadian oh, I mean sorry, sorry. The German pavilion yes so they have, yeah, caramel, all kinds of things. So I believe they may have some care up there. They are not Mickey shaped there, they would just be traditional of if they have them. I'm I'm 90 sure that they have them. That's another one I typically avoid because it smells so good. I always leave with things. I can't avoid it.

Speaker 1:

Well, I will say come winter holidays they have that gingerbread sandwich cookie that is my go-to. So usually it's perfect timing because most of us around here are always training for some of the bigger miles in January. So it works out perfectly as a little treat to stop in with those recovery miles after getting in those long runs absolutely yeah, there is so much great stuff now.

Speaker 1:

I think that also now we see that there is more to choose from at the resorts is that the case? Like I know I'm thinking contemporary has a little sweet treat area when you get off of the monorail.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and other stores. I actually because when we were planning for the virtual 5K, I was looking for where to buy the candy apples and the Dole Whip and I, quite honestly, could not find a lot of the resorts. Okay, so I could be wrong about that, so I could be wrong about that, but I like searched as I was deciding which resort to run from. I wanted one that sold those items and I actually couldn't find it.

Speaker 1:

So well, that's good to know. No-transcript.

Speaker 3:

Granny Smith.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what would you want if you could?

Speaker 3:

choose. Oh, if I could choose, oh, hmm, I don't know I probably would still for the candy apple, I would still probably stick with the Granny Smith. It's not normally my favorite, but because of the level of sweetness of everything else, that blend of the tart and the sweet together is what makes a candy apple a candy apple. So if I'm eating an apple by itself, I would not choose a Granny Smith.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So I am curious now what is your favorite go-to apple? Probably Honeycrisp. Okay, it's so interesting. There's so many beautiful varieties and I feel like down here in Florida, because we don't have any apple orchards, we have some more limitations, but still Okay. So we're starting with a Granny Smith. What are you covering? Are you going candy or are you going caramel? Oh, caramel, okay, I mean same Caramel. So we're going caramel. What's next? What are you customizing? Then we have to have the nuts. Okay, just chopped peanuts. Is that what you're going with? Are you going to get like a little fancy?

Speaker 3:

with some, then I'm adding my protein. I've got a fruit and a protein.

Speaker 1:

I'm good.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so some chopped peanuts, and is that it? Are we going traditionalist or are you thinking? I like the little bit of extra crunch it gives. As much as I love chocolate, I don't love it on a candy apple.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm with you. You just described exactly the way that I would customize this as well. So not a lot of. I know that I usually like all the extras and I it's very hard for me to resist sprinkles, but when it comes to an apple, it feels like it's perfect, just with the caramel and the nuts. I don't particularly like the caramel without the nuts, though. Like I feel like it needs that balance. It needs that salty, that sweet. All of that just makes it perfect that little tartness with the Granny Smith. So that's always exciting. Okay, so we got what you're making of your customized, but folks can customize their own if they were heading into, probably, candy Cauldron, and there's a bazillion different varieties. So while we're going with traditional, you could go with chocolate or white chocolate. There's sprinkles, there's candies and much, much and much, much, much, much. More specifically at candy cauldron, I love going there just to see it. I think it's so pretty to watch them making them. They're like truly works of art.

Speaker 3:

Oh, right and that, and that's kind of where my funny story comes in is I have a family member who was working back or, yeah, a person I know that was working back in the big top area. So it was very good at all of the things right, all of the cake, you know, making things fancy and whatnot. And then in 2017, when the hurricane was coming through and Disney was shutting down, we all hunkered in my house and so we got to have, because they couldn't leave them there, because Disney is very safety conscious with their food and they were going to be closed for two days, so all of the food had to go somewhere. So I may or may not have had a refrigerator full of Disney treats.

Speaker 1:

This is the best hurricane party I have ever heard, I know right, it was amazing.

Speaker 1:

So for folks that haven't really gone through a hurricane down here, there are lots of memes that go around where we get our hurricane supplies and we tend to eat our hurricane supplies while we're waiting for the hurricane. So knowing that there's a possibility that Lynn might be holding out some sweet treats from the storm or, you know, they're just taking up residency sheltering in place at your home there, that might that might make us decide to maybe meet for a little morning jog before the storms come on our way. That sounds absolutely incredible. I have to ask did you get tired of eating them?

Speaker 3:

No, you did, I didn't, but to be fair, I mean, there were four of us here to eat all of the treats, so I didn't eat them all myself and I had. That was the same hurricane. I had that hundred mile indoor bike ride.

Speaker 1:

I was training for my.

Speaker 3:

Ironman, so I was on my bike trainer for eight hours, so I needed the treats.

Speaker 1:

Oh my, you did it's fuel. I mean truly, yeah, absolutely, and anybody who's best race fuel ever.

Speaker 3:

I believe that I believe that marshmallows marshmallows, rice, crispy treats, cake pops and candy apples. There you go.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness. So everybody who's spending money on like gels and goos, we're telling you that those Disney treats are where it's at my friend. So okay, so we've got a little bit of a little bit of a tip there for when you're running to grab some of these treats. And again, we know that caramel apples may not be easily stashed, but there are so many great little candies at these different stores and locations that you can pick up as well.

Speaker 3:

So I also think a nice like as far renfrew goes um, obviously you're not going to take a candy apple, but the little apple slices like you can get it anywhere with the caramel sauce. Yeah, I'm with you as well.

Speaker 1:

Probably do that that would be, super yummy I mean, if you think about it from the consistency of what gels and goos are like it's almost a caramelly type, melted caramelly type consistency, so that makes a lot of sense. And goos are like it's almost a caramel-y type, melted caramel-y type consistency, so that makes a lot of sense, and the ingredients are probably very similar as well. So what other treats are we making our way when we're heading down to, maybe Main Street Confectionery or Candy Cauldron that you would say are staples or that call your name specifically?

Speaker 3:

um well, this one's.

Speaker 1:

This one's not at the candy cauldron, but it's at um of all places, joffrey's has those huge donuts they do. They're ginormous.

Speaker 3:

I've never had one we had to get one once and again share with a friend. It's not something you're going to eat by yourself, it's huge, but it and it was good. It was, it was good, it was, it was good. But I was just like I just have to have these one time in my life. At least it was. It was very tasty, so that was super fun. A lot of times they and at most of the gift shops even they have like near the checkout they'll have the last minute, so they'll have like some Chipippendale oriented or some little snacky things that are great, like to grab and go, because a lot of candies you know get melty or whatever in the heat. So you do have to kind of also think of either I need to eat it right now or it needs to be okay in a hundred degree weather.

Speaker 1:

So which nothing is okay in a hundred degree weather. We're letting you know that right now, so you may as well just consume it there while you can. I will say I know that we already had the ice cream specifically, but I do love how they theme so many of the fun ice creams or the Dole Whips. Now, where there's so many different options, I feel like it was a little bit more limited, but now that truly the um, the sky's the limit with their imagineers when it comes to food. So I think that's always super exciting, and we're doing a little bit of dole whip as well, cause there's the dole whip for the challenge. Since that's what you're tackling, tell me, have you received your medals? I did. Do you have a favorite? So far Is?

Speaker 2:

it, the waffle.

Speaker 3:

Well, the thing I it was funny. It got here when my grandson was visiting so he was very excited about all of my medals, um, but they spin. So he thought that was very cool. They all have like spinners on them. And oh, and another cool thing in the box there's the disney snack. There's, you have the chips and the fake cheese yes, that that's true.

Speaker 1:

They mentioned they did. I saw that when people posting it that this, they felt like a little bit more like being at run Disney where they sent you the little chips in the in the which I will have after our next virtual so perfect. I mean it's very salty. It's not my personal favorite cheese, but I think it's the perfect after any kind of long run. So I could see the only time I eat it as's very salty. It's not my personal favorite cheese, but I think it's the perfect after any kind of long run.

Speaker 3:

So I could see that for sure. It's the only time I eat it as a Disney race. You were correct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's because you kind of do need a little bit of extra sodium, yeah, so it makes you feel more like in the moment. So I'm glad that they were able to capture that magic in the virtual as well. Little bit about some of the wicked twist fun that's coming our way. So we know that while it's still the heat of summer, it's never too early to start celebrating halloween or that's definitely how they feel at magic kingdom because they start putting up halloween decor, fall decor, I should say and you are a big fan of mickey's not so scary halloween and you've been several times. So tell me some of your favorite treats from that party.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, there's all the theme treats but which are cool and I liked all of those. Personally, I like the free candy. So you know because I'm also a budget conscious girl. So you get to trick or treat and even as a grown up it's super fun. You go around. It's like how many times as a grown up do you get to trick or treat and people not look at you strangely when you're over 50 years old?

Speaker 3:

trick or treating but everybody trick or treats at Disney. You go and you get a bunch of candy which is super fun.

Speaker 1:

Is it just regular candy? Is it like Mars type candy?

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, it's just like your regular stuff you would get when you trick or treat mostly chocolate. But I'm not chocolate, okay, but I'm not chocolate.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that makes sense. So we know that that's kicking into play here right around the corner with Mickey's. Not so Scary, and is it truly not so scary? Are there some spooky parts? No, it's.

Speaker 3:

I do not do the scary things. Okay, and I was fine, I did not get scared. It was very cute. We enjoyed it. I like the trick-or-treating components. There was all of that. So the um, that is fun. The other thing, though, I think is fun about the the twisted piece is kind of how, um, even though they've made the apple really cute with Mickey and Minnie, you know the start of the apple did not have such a nice beginning with Disney because it was Snow White. Yep and the poison apple.

Speaker 1:

And that queen who decided to like have that apple be a little bit of a poisonous treat there. Basically, she actually slipped her a Mickey in that and that apple. So we have to. We have to be cognizant that that was definitely had a little evil twist to it. Are you a big fan of Snow White? It's one of my favorites because it is the original Disney princess.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I do. I do love all of the originals. Also, did you know that storybook dining at Wilderness Lodge that's where Snow White and Doki and the Evil Queen and the Poison Apple is actually, I think, the dessert there?

Speaker 1:

Is it really? No, I did not know that. That is adorable. Yeah, they ask the Evil not know that that is adorable.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they asked. The evil queen tries to give everybody an apple and, as my understanding, I had a reservation there. I finally got a reservation once, but then that was COVID year so it got canceled and I haven't ever gotten it rescheduled, so I have not been, but okay, so we need to make that happen.

Speaker 1:

So wait, do they have the treat brought to you, as far as you know, by the poison apple, by the actual evil queen, or is she in her disguise as the?

Speaker 3:

old woman that Snow White takes pity on. Yeah, I am not sure how logistically that works. I mean, I would assume that a character actor is not serving food just because there are things that I know about food safety that they do. That somebody with any kind of fingernail polish would not be handling food.

Speaker 1:

That makes a lot of sense. That does make a lot of sense. So of course there is. I mean, they took a little bit. Well, I would say that it's fair to say that Disney did borrow a lot from Brothers Grimm in general, and of course so we've got Snow White and while they never have officially brought in Hansel and Gretel, that's obviously another reference to all of the awesome candy-ness. But what I loved was Wreck-It Ralph, which I watched recently.

Speaker 2:

I love Wreck-It Ralph.

Speaker 1:

That was so much fun Absolutely that was so much fun. And just being in like a twisted turbo racing world of candy is like why can we not just go live there? That seems like the perfect, the perfect place to be.

Speaker 3:

That is a good point. I like that. I also like playing Candy Crush.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. So there's lots of fun candies to be had, lots of fun treats. Tell me more as to what you would suggest. If somebody had the perfect agenda for Magic Kingdom to maximize treat time and maybe character time, what would you give them suggestions as to top of the list of things they should tackle?

Speaker 3:

list of things they should tackle. Well, the thing with the like with the candy shop again, you know, as somebody who is trying to be mindful of just when I. Obviously you're on vacation, so calories don't count, so it's not about that so much, but it's that if you're going to eat something, that's a treat, you want to enjoy it. You don't want to be so full from your big lunch that you had that you can't really enjoy the treat.

Speaker 1:

So give me Lynn's perfect itinerary.

Speaker 3:

So my perfect itinerary would probably be first of all, go for a long run, so I'm very hungry. When I get to it, you'll go for a run first, okay, then clean up and go to the park, which I actually do often.

Speaker 1:

So you're not doing rope, drop though you're not gonna rope drop, no, no okay.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, we run at five in the morning, so sometimes that's so I. I have not. I've only done rope drop, maybe once or twice and it's like, okay, I've done that, so I'm good, usually like if I'm going to Magic Kingdom. It's just gotten different. It used to be easy because you could just go left, because everybody goes right, and if you go left you don't have as many lines. But with the apps and everything it's not as true as it used to be. So, but you know, if you go hungry, go get the treat. So, but you know, if you go hungry, go get the treat and then just the the line at the candy shop.

Speaker 3:

I haven't noticed it being terrible right at the beginning of the day because people usually wait till later. Yeah, because everybody's trying to get in and go to the rides Right. Frequently they don't want to wait in line for like seven dwarves or whatever, so they'll um. So usually for us, um, just because we could go when we want to, we don't focus on the rides, um, unless we're taking a guest, and in that case we usually just suck it up and pay for a lightning lane and yeah, you know, because it's like I'm not gonna wait for a ride. So, um, if the ride lines other than you know we have a couple of rides, you know we do the classics, the pirates, the haunted mansion, you know the all, of those all of the, all of the ones that aren't typically a terrible line, and then the other ones.

Speaker 3:

If there's not a line, that will ride them. If there's not a line, then we'll ride them. If there is a line, it's like we'll just see a show or two and have snacks and walk around. Go to Tom Sawyer's Island.

Speaker 1:

My perfect itinerary 100% is starting the day at Grand Floridian Cafe to get brunch or breakfast.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that I could ride the monorail over to Magic Kingdom. So I very rarely do rope drop and for folks that aren't familiar with that phrase as to what rope drop is, it basically means that you're there as the park actually officially opens. Now there's always, I should say, earlier entrance, or, for the most part, for resort guests. I'm very rarely a resort guest, so rope drop is usually again like when the actual park opens. It could be a little chaotic for my taste, so I tend to not do it unless, like you said, I'm going with guests and then, of course, I'm going to go through Adventureland. Adventureland is one of, like, the best areas of all of Magic Kingdom. I mean, I always ooh and ah at Cinderella's Castle.

Speaker 2:

I likely always will.

Speaker 1:

But I go left at Adventureland as well. I kind of work my way through that, stopping, as you mentioned, kind of some of like. I absolutely love the gift shop out that's themed uh moro, menti or mento mori or whatever it is. Momenta mori, yes, uh, for the haunted mansion, I like some of the ones that folks aren't really like. I like the um president's hall what is that one called? That's's called the president.

Speaker 3:

Okay, or the hall of presidents. I liked that one, but I liked it better for a while. They were doing a Muppet thing like before, like they were having a live show as a pre-show with the Muppets. That was amazing, cause you know it was. It was hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Cause you're a big Muppet fan. Yeah, cause it's the.

Speaker 3:

Muppets, but you know, and they were reenacting things and so it was hilarious so I enjoy when they did the pre-show I don't know if they have brought that back yet. I haven't heard anything about it one way or another, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

I do like the classics you know, the Hall of Presidents and it's air conditioned. That's exactly what I was right about to say. Any place that has air conditioning and not a crowd of people is usually where you're going to find me, which is likely why I do love like the Storybrooke Circus and the Big Top. Back. There is usually not quite so crowded and I do love Peter Pan, but it's always super crowded. It's one of the hardest rides to get into nowadays.

Speaker 3:

It is Do you ever go to Tom Sawyer's Island? I?

Speaker 1:

do I love Tom, I've been meaning why do they not have, like a picnic? I mean, you can make a picnic area over there, but I feel like they should have some treats that you could purchase on Tom Sawyer.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They do. I thought they had just like a.

Speaker 3:

Oh, not sweet treats Vending machines, no, so it's not always open. It's not always open, it's, I think, when it's really busy. They have a little, a little confectionary type or like Not confectionary. It's more like I don't know what to call it Like a sandwich.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's perfect, but it's not Perfect little picnic location.

Speaker 3:

Right, and then there's the gazebos with all the rocking chairs right by that area. It's not always open, though it's not always open. Though it's it's limited times it's open. But yeah, that's a nice place to take a nap. If you are going to be in the park all day and you're tired, you can go sit and it's quiet and you can take a nap.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. All those little, quiet, little pockets are always fun to find. But yes, ok. So, my friend, let's say that while we start to look at all of the fun fall festivities that we are wrapping up our summer run series, what are you most looking forward to in fall or winter? Are you tackling the winter virtual?

Speaker 3:

I'll have to see how it falls in with my plans. The winter I haven't actually done the winter one. Um, I, if I do it, I would be, I would run it, but I probably wouldn't sign up for it. Um, so we, we will see. Um, I have plenty of medals now, but the snack ones I just had to get.

Speaker 1:

So of course, I feel like they're synonymous with you and you'll be at wine and dine and you are going to be tackling the 5k with your husband who's tackling his first 5K ever.

Speaker 2:

That is correct.

Speaker 1:

So very exciting. We can't wait to cheer you guys on. Do you want to share with folks what you're officially costuming as, or do you want to keep it as a little bit of a social media surprise?

Speaker 3:

No, that's fine. No, I can share. So you know, as we mentioned, the Muppets are, and that was actually a funny conversation with my husband has not been a runner, so I have introduced him to running. So I said, hey, the wine and dine is Muppets themed, maybe you could do that with me. And he looks at me. He says, well, I don't have any running shoes. He didn't say no See, that was his mistake. So of course I got on the computer and ordered him running shoes. And then his next thing was I said I ordered you running shoes. He said, well, what would we dress like? I was like all right, you're all in. So he is going to wear a sam eagle shirt, um, that says you're all weirdos. And then I am going to wear my gonzo shirt that says, um, oh, embrace your inner weirdo. Be unique is what my shirt.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I am so excited about that. It's so, so sweet. I will not be running the 5k, but I can't wait to go cheer you guys on um. So the 5k for wine and dine is going to be I think it's officially Muppets themed, because it's got, it's got chef um as the original, as the official, the official person. So we're looking forward to that. And then I know a little off topic of run Disney, but then you're going to, we're heading to Savannah for every woman's marathon. So I know you're, you're really looking forward to that race as well. How do you feel like you're? How do you feel like it's?

Speaker 3:

coming along. It's coming along, we'll see, you know. As you know, I've had to take some breaks and whatnot, because of um different. You know traveling and you know having little um, not an injury an injury.

Speaker 3:

But just things that kept me off the running, just a procedure, yeah, just a procedure that was not a big deal but had to not run for a couple of weeks. So but you know, coming back strong partially because I wasn't actually injured, so it makes the coming back a little. It was more like an extended rest. So just kind of sticking with the plan, embracing the heat, looking forward to these races not being as hot as what it is right now. So that is all good, so that should be great.

Speaker 1:

That is the hope. That is the hope. We're all hoping to have a little bit cooler weather for these fall races. So putting in the work now so that it hopefully feels a bit easier come fall time Well, you're doing fantastic. Time, well, you're doing fantastic. And thank you again, as always, for being our official like Disney treat whisperer, because I feel like you can point us in the right direction and also give us the load in as to what's worth our dollars and what's not. So sounds like we are going to be hitting up some cupcakes instead of that candy apple.

Speaker 3:

Potentially I will on on treat issues, though. I know it was the ice cream side, but did we talk about beaches and cream in the kitchen sink?

Speaker 1:

oh, did we miss that? Which is the best like ice cream thing in all of magic kingdom? Does I mean all of Walt Disney World?

Speaker 3:

yeah, but that is, yeah, it's um shoot. I should know it by heart because every time anybody orders it, as they come out and bring it to you, they announce what all is in it. But I think it's 14 scoops of ice cream, however much chocolate sauce, peanut butter. It basically has everything that every menu item is in this thing, and a whole can of whipped cream. And so when they get to the last, everybody in the restaurant says and a whole can of whipped cream. So it's clearly a shareable dessert.

Speaker 1:

Uh or not. If you don't want to, we're not going to judge you if you decide to have it all. I don't know how you're having it all. I don't.

Speaker 3:

I have seen the thing and it literally comes in a kitchen sink. Um, so it's super cute, so probably that is my favorite of all time.

Speaker 1:

Have you actually had it? Yes, okay, I've never had it.

Speaker 3:

I've seen it as well, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It is. It is. You guys will have to, we'll have to link it so you guys can see it Absolutely insanely big, but they they do have a mini kitchen sink for folks that don't have a family of eight, that they want to share this with Correct.

Speaker 1:

So, there are some options as well. All right, my friend, I can't wait to get those fun miles and treats with you. Thank you again for joining, no problem at all. So, friends, as we bring this apple-licious episode to a close, I want to thank everyone for joining us as we bring this apple-licious episode to a close. I want to thank everyone for joining us because, whether you're crunching into a candy apple or enjoying a caramel one, we hope this episode added some extra flavor to your day, your run and your walk. Don't forget to join the Stride Collective, our community of listeners and runners who love a good chat and, obviously, a great run. Of course, we have so much fun going on this weekend. This is definitely the time to join in on it. Stay connected with us for more fun episodes, tips and, of course, more Apple puns. Until next time, keep running, keep shining and keep making those strides extraordinary.

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